Sunday, 20 May 2012

Preventing a sewing rehab

So I'm finding it incredibly hard to make my list of death and really develop a plan of what I should be sewing for myself. My body type shape is somewhat weird and I needed lots and lots of reading into dressing for your body type. The next step would be to find "my" colour palette. But once again that will take up a lot of time. But I feel like I'm in a sewing rehab until I have all that sorted out. But I don't really want that so I'll be combining my two addictions and sewing stuff to dance in!

I'm currently running some ideas past the lovely ladies at pattern review. They have a huge thread on sewing dance wear over there. But it's more about drafting for dance wear and selecting the right fabrics. I'll be sewing myself at least two long sleeved shirts for dance practice and maybe a new practice skirt too. I don't really need one but sewing all those - mainly straight - lines is fun and I'm still experimenting with getting the cut that looks most beautiful when twirling. I'll upload sketches as soon as I get the scanner to co-operate :)

I also found a really beautiful dance dress that I'll be copying - more or less - for my special occasion dress.
This is the dress unfortunately the link is down at the moment.

Until then!